Safety tips in the red-legged partridge driven hunt

If you want to practice the red-legged partridge driven hunt, you will know that there are some inherent risks in the activity. If you don’t have much experience in hunting, there are some safety tips you must keep in mind. Understanding these risks can help prevent future accidents.

How to avoid accidents

  1. Pay attention of our actions each moment. It is also very important to follow the organization’s advice to be safety. This may be obvious for some people, but it is necessary to be aware of what we are doing.
  2. You should never shoot before the regular signal.
  3. You must wear the adequate equipment. Depending on the area you are going to practice the hunt, you will need different elements. In red-partridge driven hunt, these (enlace) are the most important.
  4. In the red-partridge driven hunt, we recommend wearing lateral screens.

Safety tips about weapons

  1. When we are not using the gun, we must point towards the ground or the sky.
  2. We just unlock the weapon’s safety when we are going to shoot.
  3. We should charge the weapon when we are going to hunt. After a hunt day, it is important to drain it.
  4. It’s necessary to clean the gun.
  5. We would never use the weapon as a stick.

These are some of our safety tips you should know. If you decide to practice with us, our equipment will help you all the time.

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